Ted Lieu (D) CA-36
I am pleased to endorse Jerrad Christian for Congress in Ohio's 12th District. Jerrad's service in the U.S. Navy, combined with his firsthand experience growing up with economic hardship, gives him unique insights into the challenges so many Americans face. His experience as a meteorologist and oceanographer will help in the battle with climate change; which is one of the most important undertakings of this century. His experience as a technologist in the area of software engineering will add much needed experience to a Congress facing new threats in a more digital world. His dedication to these critical issues, along with his ability to overcome adversity, makes him an ideal candidate for Congress and a representative of the good people of Ohio’s 12th District.
Blue America
Blue America is proud to endorse a progressive Democrat, Jerrad Christian, challenging Balderson in this district the DCCC has long forgotten. It’s where Christian was born and grew up— so not one he’s forgetting. He’s working to rally working class Ohioans.
IBEW 1105
IBEW 1105 covers the heart of where major construction developments are happening in Greater Central Ohio. Our jurisdiction includes amazing communities with great schools, welcoming churches and affordable housing for you and your family.
IBEW 1105 covers the East Central and Southeastern Ohio region including Coshocton, Guernsey, Licking, Muskingum and Perry Counties and the bottom sections of Knox and Tuscarawas Counties.
OAPSE Local 4
With more than 34,000 members in 480 locals around the state, the Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4) is the most powerful voice for the hard working men and women who serve Ohio’s school children, community and technical college students, those in early childhood education programs, children and adults with special needs and those who take advantage of our public libraries and other community services.
UFCW Local 1059
Local 1059 has a proud history dating back to 1943, when the local was originally chartered by the Retail Clerks International Union in Columbus, Ohio. From its early days the local experienced several mergers which brought growth and positive change for the membership. In 1945, nine locals from south and southeastern Ohio, encompassing cities such as Portsmouth, Chillicothe, Athens, Nelsonville, and Newark, merged into Local 1059.
Vote Common Good
Candidates for Common Good have committed themselves to leading with values consistent with the common good. This means they will use the common good as a guiding principle in how they govern, what policies they advocate, and the ways in which they interact with both voters and other candidates for office.
Muskingum County Democratic Club
The Muskingum County Democratic Club is a political organization focused on supporting Democratic candidates and ideals in Muskingum County. The club is involved in networking with other Democrats, strengthening the party locally, and promoting community engagement in political processes.
Muskingum Co. Young Democrats
"The Muskingum County Young Democrats chose to endorse Jerrad for Congress due to the immense dedication to causes that impact all Americans. In hearing Jerrad speak about issues such as climate change and rural development it’s clear that he truly cares about the people of Muskingum County." ~ Jason Adams, President, MCYD
Athens County Democratic Party
We believe that a commitment to elect strong democratic candidates and support progressive issues will bring about powerful, positive change for residents of Athens County and improve the quality of life for our residents.
Licking County Democratic Party
Licking County Democrats work together to advance Democratic values within Licking County by educating voters, advocating for issues, and electing leaders at all levels of government.
Alaina Shearer - 2020 Candidate OH12
As a father, a veteran and a lifelong Ohioan, I know that Jerrad will be a strong and effective advocate for District 12. He has the passion, drive, and determination to fight for the issues that matter most to us. I am confident that he will work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard in Washington, D.C.
Please join me in supporting Jerrad Christian for Congress. He is the right choice for our district and will work tirelessly to make a positive difference in the lives of his constituents.